About Baghdad Trailer - إعلان فيلم عن بغداد |
فيلم عن بغداد -
About Baghdad
إسم الفيلم - Movie:
الشعب العراقي
The Iraqi People
تمثيل - Actors:
العراق -
البلد - Country:
سنان انطون -
Sinan Antoon
أخراج - Directed:
سنة الإنتاج - Released:
Official site:
فيلم حول بغداد (About Baghdad)، يأخذنا في رحلة إلى قلوب العراقيين وعقولهم لاستكشاف ما يفكرون به ويشعرون به إزاء وضع ما بعد الحرب 2003 والعلاقة المعقدة بين الولايات المتحدة والعراق. حول بغداد تنقل الأمور القاسية ، وغالبا ما يساء فهمها وتشويهها ، وهي التي تفصل بين العراقيين والأميركيين.
About Baghdad, the movie, takes us on a journey into the hearts and minds of Iraqis to explore what they think and feel about the post-war situation and the complex relationship between the US and Iraq. About Baghdad navigates the dire, and often misunderstood and misrepresented, straits separating, yet involving, both Iraqis and Americans ،
About Baghdad is a documentary film shot in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. It is the first documentary film to have been made in Iraq following the fall of the Baath regime. The film features the artist Sinan Antoon as he returns to his native Baghdad. It privileges the voices of native Iraqis from all walks of life, as they present their views on life during the regime of Saddam Hussein as well as the United States's bombing, invasion, and occupation.
The film was directed by a collective including Sinan Antoon, Bassam Haddad, Maya Mikdashi, Suzy Salamy, and Adam Shapiro. It was produced by InCounter Productions.
:قصة الفيلم
About the film: