Adab - Mesopotamian City.
Anu - Babylonian creator God; consort of Antu.
Anunnaki - The seven judges of the Underworld. Also the children of the god of heaven. They began as fertility dieties.
Apsu - God of underground waters.
Babbar - Probably a fertility Goddess.
Babylon - with its twin-city Borsippa, though probably founded as early as 3800 B.C., played an insignificant role in the country's history until, under Hammurabi, about 2300 B.C., it entered on that career of empire which it maintained for almost 2000 years, so that its name now stands for a country and a civilization which was of hoary antiquity before Babylon rose to power and even before a brick of Babylon was laid.
Bel - A title meaning Lord. The Babylonian God Marduk was refered to as Bel.
Dagon - Babylonian grain and fertility God.
Damgalnuna - Mother Goddess.
Dumash - Babylonian shepherd and vegetation God. Also the God of the Underworld.
Dur-ilu - ?
Ea - God of water and of Wisdom. Ea was Marduk's father.
E-kur - ?
Eridu - Mesopotamian city, old name of Eri-dugga, "good city", at present the mounds of Abu-Sharain.
Girsu - A suburb of Lagash.
Gishban - (read also as Gish-ukh), a small city a little north of Shirpurla, at present the mounds of Iskha, is of importance only in the very earliest history of Babylonia.
Igigi - A group of Skygods. Often mentioned in conjunction with the Anunnaki.
Kesh - Mesopotamian City.
Lagash - Mespotamian City.
Larsa - Mesopotamian City.
Marduk - The chief diety of Babylon. Marduk replaced An or Anu as the main creator God.
Nana - Babylonian Moon God.
Ninazu - Babylonian God of Healing.
Ningirsu - Tutelary god.
Ninni - Goddess of fertilty and war.
Nintu - Babylonian mother Goddess.
Nippur - Mesopotamian city, Calneh, or Nippur, at present Nuffar, was a great religious centre, with its Bel Temple, unrivaled in antiquity and sanctity, a sort of Mecca for the Semitic Babylonians.
Saggil - ?
Shamash - Babylonian Sungod. He is associated with justice.
Sin - Babylonian Moon God.
Sippara - Mesopotamian City.
Zamama - Possibly the God of War.
Ur - Mesopotamian city, Abraham's birthplace, about twenty-five miles northeast of Eridu, at present Mughair.
Uruk - Mesopotamian City.